Lauren Ashley Added to
the ISTA Temple of Sound 2013’s
the Sound Barrier” Panel
March 20, 2013—Nashville recording artist, Lauren
Ashley will take part in the 2013 International Sound Therapy Association’s
Temple of Sound conference. She will represent the Country genre and will join
other artists from the Classical, Hip Hop, and New Age genres as a panelist for
the Breaking the Sound Barrier
discussion panel. The panel discussion will take place Saturday, March 23rd
in Atlanta at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta from 5:00 –
6:00 P.M. The panel will discuss how music helps today’s society, and the
evolution of their genre of music.
International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA) is
a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization based in Atlanta, GA whose mission is to
promote the benefits of therapeutic sound.
For tickets and more information, please visit
Media Contact: Haley Redmond
Encore Publicity
Born in Griffin,
GA, Lauren Ashley’s music is well rooted with southern rock and country
influences. Lauren Ashley found her love for country music at an early age.
While in
her first year of college at Georgia Southern University, Lauren Ashley soon
gained a large fan base, playing in local venues throughout Georgia.
Lauren Ashley has spent the past three years touring and performing for crowds of as many as 10,000 fans. Lauren Ashley’s large fan base helped her win the title of the 2011 and 2012 Georgia-Country Female Artist of the Year, which is a fan-voted award.
Lauren Ashley is currently performing an average of six shows per month throughout the southeast.